Meet our teachers!

Mrs. Sichol Rattanawong
School Director
Degree: Master of Education in Education Administration
Certification: Certified Educational Administrator, Certified Teacher, and Certified Education Evaluator, Certified SAT coordinator
Opened Theodore International School in 2014 with the hope to inspire and challenge young minds, provide quality education, and spread the love of Jesus.
Email: admin@tis.ac.th

Dr.Lorna Jonathan
Academic Head
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Education) uter Education, Master of Education in Education Management Law and Policy and Bachelor Degree in Education Management and Leadership
Certification: Certified Teacher, Senior Primary Education
Email: lorna.jonathan@tis.ac.th

Mrs. Morgan Moellering
International Director
Degree: Master of Education in Teacher Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education.
Certification: Certified Teacher from America, Certified Cambridge Examiner, Certified SAT Instructor, and Certified in Child Protection: Children's Rights in Theory and Practice
Email: morganmoellering@tis.ac.th

Mr.Xiangsu Zhang
International Affairs Director, Chief China Representative, Chinese Teacher

Miss Mahalia Bunch
Pre Kindergarten Homeroom Teacher

Miss Briana Elizabeth Fuller
Pre Kindergarten Homeroom Teacher

Miss Monique Van Den Berg
Kindergarten Homeroom Teacher

Mr. Rory Kydd
Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher

Miss Zarina Galimova
Grade 2 Homeroom Teacher
Degree: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree
Certification: Bachelor in Teaching Education, Master of Education in Management
Email: grade2@tis.ac.th

Mr. Jaen Igor Buzuidenhout
Grade 3 Homeroom Teacher

Miss Lana Chianna Thomas
Grade 4 Homeroom Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Email: grade4@tis.ac.th

Mr.Willem Adriaan Schoeman
Grade 5 Homeroom Teacher

Mr. Heinrich Badenhorst
Grade 6 Homeroom Teacher

Mr. Riaan de Kock
Grade 7 Homeroom Teacher
Degree: Bachelors degree in Education
Certification: Certificate in Intermediate Phase Education
Email: grade7@tis.ac.th

Mr. Paul Lomax
Grade 9-10 Homeroom Teacher
Degree: Bachelor of Science Education
Certification: Certified teacher of math and science
Email: teacher.grade9@tis.ac.th

Mr. Kritsanaphon Suriyamongkol
Music and Physical Teacher
Email: musicteacher@tis.ac.th

Miss Nuttarika Lohajeerang
Thai Teacher
Degree: Bachelor Degree in Language Communication and Business
Certification: Certified Teacher
Email: thai2@tis.ac.th

Mrs. Thitinun Mitmek
Thai Teacher
Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Certification: Bachelor of Education in Thai Language
Email: thai3@tis.ac.th
TIS Staff








